Registration is now open!  Register now to reserve your spot with this very special teacher.

NOLA Aikido is delighted to again welcome Miranda Saarentaus to New Orleans. Saarentaus Sensei is chief instructor of Akari Aikido near Helsinki, Finland, and has long been a close student of Seishiro Endo Shihan. Her style emphasizes the flow of movement, not fighting against force, finding a way to guide a partner without coercion, and drawing strength from contact and communication. Not surprisingly, ‘Jiyuwaza’ (free-flowing technique) is one of her trademarks.

And the seminar flyer with seminars times and fees is now available to download.

You can also check out the Facebook event page.

And for our out-of-town guests, please contact us for help with accommodations including staying with students or in the dojo, or tips on other good lodging options.

Aikidoists of all styles and affiliations are welcome to join us!